Monday, May 3, 2010

Kentucky Derby 2010

We flew to Kentucky last Thursday. Some business~some pleasure. I fell in love with the State. It has to be one of the most lush, beautifully manicured areas in the country. I took so many photos that I will have to post them in stages.
These are from the Kentucky Derby!
Super Saver out of the gate, coming down the first stretch.
If you click on the photo, you can see SS looking at the other horses.
It rained all day and was a muddy mess. Our seats were about ten rows back from the railing. The people behind us decided to stand on our bench seats while we weren't there. Again, muddy mess. Nice. Now if they had stood on their own benches, they would have been higher, but then that would mean they would leave mud on their seats. They must not have been true southerners. Another non-southerner was a man at the railing. He got so ticked at people coming next to 'his' railing that he told me I wasn't allowed and put up a caution tape from his seat to the railing.
It was crowded and when it would rain, we would all gather inside. Claustrophobic doesn't even do it justice. By the end of the race, people had consumed too many mint juleps. Most hats were askew and their looks, disheveled.
Here is number 4, Super Saver, on the back stretch. Look at all the mud on the horses compared to the first one! He won the Derby. Dan took Super Saver with Ice Box for the exacta and hit it. Guess the Ice Box liked the mud too.
Check back tomorrow for more photos. Got some great ones of those who decided to mud-wrestle in the in-field, outrages hats, crazy attire, and incredible horse farms.
Link onto Camera Critters for more animal shots!


  1. WOW!!! Lucky you, amazing pics. It sure was a muddy mess, but so exciting.

  2. Gosh Debby, it was quite amazing! I hope everyone gets a chance to go there at least once in a lifetime! I heard people saying it was on their bucket list. Thanks for stopping by!!
